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RFF Network Meeting – Your Health and the Services provided by your Local NHS Hospitals – Tuesday 18th July 2023
Redbridge Faith Forum Network Open Meeting Venue: Buddhist Vihara, 9 Balfour Road, Ilford IG1 4HP When you are in good health you don’t really stop to think about the different health services that are available as they aren’t relevant. However, we should all be aware that circumstances can change overnight, through accident or injury or…
Read MoreHajj and the Feast of Sacrifice (Eid Al Adha)
Eid Al Adha by Mohamed Omer, Muslim representative & Chair of Redbridge Faith Forum Every year, Muslims young and old, rich and poor, kings and peasants from all over the world take part in the largest gathering on Earth; the Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca. The Hajj is a religious obligation that every Muslim must fulfil, if…
Read MoreRFF AGM & Open Forum on ‘Saying that final Goodbye’
Redbridge Faith Forum Annual General Meeting & Appointment of the Trustees was followed by an Open Forum on ‘Saying that Final Goodbye’ on Thursday 8th June 2023 at Ilford Islamic Community Centre, 52 – 56 Albert Road IG1 1HW “Saying that Final Goodbye” Losing a loved one or a close friend is very difficult and funeral…
Read MoreRFF Network Meeting “Festivals & Holy Days Bringing Communities Together“ on Tuesday 25th April 2023
Network Meeting -Tuesday 25th April 2023- Karamsar Centre, (old Courthouse) corner of Buckingham Road, Ilford IG1 1TP “Festivals & Holy Days: Bringing Communities Together?” Festivals and Holy Days are an important and invaluable part of community life for followers of all religions. Depending on the Festival or Holy Day it is a time of dedication,…
Read MoreWomen’s Interfaith Workshop; “Exploring Faith and Mental Health” For International Women’s Day 2023,
Exploring Faith and Mental Health – WOMEN’S INTERFAITH WORKSHOP – 9 MARCH 2023 VHP Ilford Hindu Centre, 55 Albert Road, Ilford, IG1 1HJ Despite the cold weather and rain, an interfaith group of 35 women came together for an in-person workshop at VHP Hindu Centre to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023 by considering the topic…
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