Wednesday – Daily Reflections – Interfaith Week Nov 22

‘Thought of the Day’ – Wednesday 16th November Jewish Faith by Mitzi Kalinisky. To mark Interfaith Week Redbridge Faith Forum Trustees have recorded a daily Video clip reflecting on the topic of “How faith communities can support with the cost of living crisis”. These reflection are from their faith perfective. We do hope you will…

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Tuesday – Daily Reflections – Interfaith Nov Week 2022

‘Thought of the Day’ – Tuesday 15th November Sikh Faith by Harpreet Shergill To mark Interfaith Week Redbridge Faith Forum Trustees have recorded a daily Video clip reflecting on the topic of “How faith communities can support with the cost of living crisis”. These reflection are from their faith perfective. We do hope you will enjoy…

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Monday – Daily Reflections – Interfaith Week Nov 22

Rev Bernardino Mandlate

‘Thought of the Day’ – Monday 14th November Christian Faith by Rev Bernardino Mandlate. To mark Interfaith Week Redbridge Faith Forum Trustees have recorded a daily Video clip reflecting on the topic of “How faith communities can support with the cost of living crisis”. These reflection are from their faith perfective. We do hope you…

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RFF Network meeting

Network Meeting -Wednesday 2nd November 2022- on Zoom “Breaking the Stigma around Mental Health” Many thanks to Eve Tobe for creating this presentation  for us and taking time to deliver it virtually RFF was delighted to welcome to our November 2022 Network Zoom meeting Eve Tobe, Educational Psychologist with the Redbridge Mental Health Support Team…

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