Interfaith Luncheon 13.11.19

Members and friends of Redbridge Faith Forum celebrated National Interfaith Week by sharing a delicious 3 course buffet lunch at the Karamsar Centre in Buckingham Road, Ilford. This gave everyone the opportunity to chat socially, thus forming bridges across different faiths as well as enjoying a fun interfaith quiz, a prize draw and seeing a…

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“Caring for Creation” – Multi-faith Walk through Ilford 15.9.19 –

Our ever popular well attended Multi-faith Walk of Peace took place on Sunday 15th September 2019 commencing at 12.45pm in the Holocaust Memorial Garden in Valentines Park with a greeting from the Redbridge Mayor, Councillor Zulfiqar Hussain followed by a talk from Rabbi Lawrence Becker. Walkers received wonderful hospitality enroute visiting the following venues Buddhist…

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Network Meeting “Greening Redbridge” 30.7.2019

This network meeting was arranged by two enthusiastic supporters and members of Redbridge Faith Forum – Peter & Ruth Musgrave.  They had spent many hours preparing for the event and their hard work and commitment reaped rewards with 87 people attending which resulted in a queue of people waiting to register and a slightly delayed…

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9th July – Harmful Practices Conference

Redbridge Faith Forum partnered with Redbridge Council and other voluntary organisations to organise this conference which was held at City Gates Church, Ilford. The programme included specialist speakers, breakout sessions and provided the opportunity to network with organisations and individuals who work to elimate harmful practices such as forced marriage, female genital mutilation and honour…

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