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Wellbeing support and shielding the vulnerable Redbridge Council’s wellbeing service is available to help and support the elderly and vulnerable who are at greatest risk from coronavirus in the borough. The people who are at very high risk of severe illness from coronavirus are those with an underlying health condition.You can call the Wellbeing Service…
Faith leaders have been consulted and worked with PHE to ensure that communities, the funeral industry and the NHS are protected. Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an infectious disease and can be transmitted when large groups of people congregate. However, with certain precautions funerals should continue to take place. To help reduce the risk of spreading the infection, funeral…
BT have launched a new website called ‘Skills for Tomorrow’. On this site, people with little or no digital skills can learn: – How to access GP services online – How to use the NHS website – How to use public services online and how to use the GOV.UK government website and find local council services —…
Read MoreA message from Councillor Jas Athwal, Leader of Redbridge Council, in response to the latest Government announcement on COVID-19
“In light of the latest announcement, the message is very clear, we all need to stay in our homes and only leave in the most important circumstances. As the Prime Minister stated this evening, we must only travel if it is deemed essential. That means travelling to the supermarkets for vital essentials, to the chemist…
Read MoreNHS Need Your Help – Recruiting Temporary Staff
BHR Hospitals are looking for members of the public who can join for a few months of paid work, in a variety of roles across the Trust. Experience is not necessary for admin and clerical roles or healthcare assistant roles, but is desired. Training and supervision will be provided for each role and protective equipment…
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