8.3.18 a celebration of International Women’s Day

A group of 12 women enjoyed a very interesting and informative walk around Bow to celebrate International Women’s Day. Led by Registered Tour Guide Eli Bloom we heard inspirational stories from the lives of influential women who worked selflessly to promote social justice in their lifetimes. We heard about political pioneers, philanthropists, suffragettes and social…

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Women’s Interfaith Workshop 28.2.18

We were glad to give a warm welcome to the women who made it through the snow and the bitterly cold wind to join us in St Andrews Church Hall on Wednesday 28th February for our workshop taking  continuing our theme of “Weddings: – Ceremony, Custom & Tradition” Having heard about Baha’i, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish…

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Women’s Interfaith Workshop 22nd November 2017

Thirty five Women from a range of faith communities met for a lively and informative workshop at the South West Essex & Settlement Reform Synagogue  (SWESRS) on Wednesday 22nd November. The theme for the workshop was ‘Weddings~ ceremony, custom and tradition’. Excellent presentations were given from two faith communities: Jewish and Sikh. This session of…

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WEDDINGS – Women’s Interfaith Workshop held 10.8.2017

30 women enjoyed sharing refreshments and hearing from speakers from Hindu, Baha’i and Buddhist communities on the topic of weddings. Everyone agreed it had been an excellent event – very informative and interesting. The speakers were happy to answer questions and discussion was flowing and plentiful on the topic of marriage and not just actual…

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30 women attended this event on Tuesday 9th May 2017 1.00-3.00 pm –  Ilford Islamic Centre, Albert Road Ilford IG1 1HA.  It proved to be a very informative and enjoyable event on thee topic of Praying – How? Why? When? To Whom? with short presentations from women from the Muslim and Jewish faith.  Please click…

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