Women’s Interfaith Virtual workshop- Wednesday 11th Nov 2020 ‘Repairing the world’

Our women’s group enjoyed meeting together via Zoom to learn more about the topic “Repairing Our World”. Unfortunately some technical issues prevented several women from joining us for which we do apologise. Three speakers from the Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities shared the practical steps their faith communities are taking to care for our living world. In future…

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Virtual Walk of Peace “Love & Remembrance”

Redbridge Faith Forum was delighted that so many joined us via Zoom including The Worshipful, The Mayor of Redbridge, Councillor Zulfiqar Hussain, on Sunday afternoon 8th November for our “Love and Remembrance” Event launching our first ever Virtual Walk of Peace As this fell on Remembrance Sunday, we took the opportunity to hold a minute’s…

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Inter Faith Week webinar on Friday 13th November 2020

NHS Blood and Transplant are pleased to invite you to a special Inter Faith Week webinar on Friday 13th November 2020, from 10am to 12noon. Where you will have the opportunity to hear from faith and belief leaders about their views on organ donation. You will also be able to find out more about end of…

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Spiritual view: Our duty to follow government guidelines

Article written by RFF Chair Mohamed Omer and published in the Ilford Recorder 15.8.2020 As the coronavirus pandemic seems to show no sign of abating and the worldwide death toll creeps ominously to one million, it becomes increasingly clear that this new way of life will become the norm. In religion, we find the ultimate…

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