Statement re London Bridge Atrocity – Peace & Reconciliation

In 1993 St Ethelburga’s church was almost completely destroyed by an IRA Bomb – in 2002 it reopened as a Centre of Reconciliation and Peace – out of atrocity a centre for people of all faiths and none arose.  St Ethelburga’s  issued a statement following the latest London atrocity at London Bridge (; following is…

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RFF Statement on the Manchester Terrorist Atrocity

Standing together with Manchester Trustees, members and friends of Redbridge Faith Forum were terribly shocked and saddened by the devastating attack in Manchester last week.  We of many faiths and none condemn this cowardly attack on innocent civilians.  All our religions exalt the sanctity of human life and there is no justification for such an…

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Wednesday 17th May 1.00- 3.00 pm – Community Safety Workshop in the Church Hall of the Drive Methodist Church IG1 3PP. Everyone (men & women) are invited to attend and share what makes you feel safe/unsfe and discuss ideas on how to make us feel safer and work with local services to identify and tackle…

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30 women attended this event on Tuesday 9th May 2017 1.00-3.00 pm –  Ilford Islamic Centre, Albert Road Ilford IG1 1HA.  It proved to be a very informative and enjoyable event on thee topic of Praying – How? Why? When? To Whom? with short presentations from women from the Muslim and Jewish faith.  Please click…

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