Welcome to the home of the Redbridge Faith Forum
Our Vision
Our vision is to work towards and build a community that respects, co-operates with and understands the integrity of each other’s beliefs, culture and traditions
We are an independent charity that aims to give Faith Communities in Redbridge a collective voice by identifying and addressing issues that affect residents.
Who are we?
Redbridge Faith Forum (RFF) is an independent organisation that aims to give Faith Communities in Redbridge a collective voice by identifying and addressing issues that affect residents. RFF’s inaugural meeting took place in December 2003 and was registered as a Charity in 2006 (Reg No 1118675).
Our vision is to work towards and build a community that respects, co-operates with and understands the integrity of each other’s beliefs, culture and traditions
Redbridge Faith Forum has an office in the Town Hall and supports the Redbridge Compact (see Resources page for more information about the Compact). The charity employs one part-time member of staff who is assisted by a much-valued team of volunteers and has a Board of Trustees drawn from faith practitioners from all the main religions represented in the borough.

Get Involved!
There are a number of ways you can get involved with the Redbridge Faith Forum.
Join Us!
Redbridge Faith Forum is a membership organisation. Membership is open to all and there are a range of options available.
Keep Up to Date!
Make sure you get the latest version of our newsletter.
As a small local charity, your donations help us do great things!
We are always on the lookout for people to help us out practically. Let us know if you are interested in volunteering