Sunday – Daily Reflections – Interfaith Week Nov 22
‘Thought of the Day’ – Sunday 20th November Hindu Faith by Vinaya Sharma
To mark Interfaith Week Redbridge Faith Forum Trustees have reflecting on the topic of “How faith communities can support with the cost of living crisis”. These reflection are from their faith perfective.
Currently all Communities are facing a “cost of living crisis”.
Often we get into complicated ways to resolve crisis or expect the Council or other Government departments to sort out the crisis.
I would suggest that since all our Faith Communities are in the same situation,
we can support each other and find solutions to this crisis- ie are common Community issues.
The Faith Communities jointly and on individual level can talk and find out what each community/individual needs and how we can share any of our resources that we all have, individually and collectively.
During this crisis ‘mental health’ – depression-of all the Communities is also very important. This is another area where Faith can help tremendously.
The Faith Forum-suggests to all, please do not withdraw but talk to someone in the Faith Forum who may be able to help or direct you to other members of the Faith Community. This will reduce the level of depression, which will help us to see how we can cope and also help others to cope with the ‘crisis’.
The Faith Forum as a collective body or as each individual Faith community has an excellent opportunity to help ease and help individuals and communities to cope with the cost living crisis.