Life in Lockdown

Our trustees have made a series of videos to show how they are dealing with this period of Lockdown.
We hope that you are staying safe and keeping well and finding your way through this strange period. We hope you find these videos interesting and useful.
To watch any of the Life in Lockdown videos, just click on the photograph.
Tuesday, Daily Reflections-Interfaith Week Nov 2020
‘Thought of the Day – Tuesday 10th November 2020 Baha’i faith by Carol Khorsandyon
Read MoreMonday -Daily Reflections- Interfaith Week Nov 2020
‘Thought of the Day – Monday 9th November 2020 Hindu faith by Vinaya Sharma
Read MoreSunday -Daily Reflections- Interfaith Week Nov 2020
‘Thought of the Day – Sunday 8th November 2020 Christian faith by Phil Butcher
Read MoreMy Faith and Life in Lockdown
This was the topic discussed on Tuesday, 7th July at our first virtual Women’s Interfaith Group Meeting hosted on Zoom. It proved to be a very interesting and enjoyable event where the group of ladies each took it in turn to share both positive and negative experiences of life in lockdown and how their faith had been a support and encouragement during this challenging time. Please click here for the full report – and do email us at to suggest topics for future events.
Read MoreHarmander’s Video Diary
Harmander walked 500 miles in his back garden (which is just over 16 miles loog) as his contribution and thanks to those in the NHS and care services to buy a fully equipped ambulance and build a clubhouse. Please use the link below for full details and to donate. Please donate and ask others you know by sharing this message and the links Thank you to those who have already donated to the fundraising effort towards buying an ambulance as this will be used to benefit us all for up to ten years from when bought.
Read MoreAngela Banner’s Blog – Life in Lockdown
I hope everyone is keeping well. It seems forever since this started. Yet the time seems to fly and the days are becoming shorter. Of course, I have been doing a tremendous amount of housework but naturally only I would know that anything looks different. Our hair is growing longer and soon I will have plaits and Alan a ponytail. I am enjoying being at home and I think it is good for both of us. The lovely weather helps. The garden is flourishing & tomato plants growing well. If I wished I could be on Zoom all day. As with many places of worship our synagogue sends out notice of events for us to join plus prayer services & notice of bereavement. We attended a zoom meeting of one of the groups we attend but I have decided to give up on this. It just doesn’t work for me.…
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