Faith Festivals… Tu B’Shevat – 15 Feb 2025

What means to me...

by Angela Banner, Jewish representative of Redbridge Faith Forum


The festival of Tu B’Shevat falls in February.

Tu B’Shevat

This is the new year for trees and in the Holy Land very many trees are planted.

School children are encouraged to take part in tree planting ceremonies.

This is an important occasion for the environment and also to educate and inform children of their responsibilities towards the land they live in.

In schools in the wider world there are collections to buy trees for the Holy Land.

Angela has been a Jewish representative on our Board of Trustees since 2014 and is a long term resident of Redbridge. Angela is very involved in community life including Redbridge Pensioners Forum and Ilford Historical Society.  Angela is particularly interested in in furthering the rights of older people to ensure they enjoy later life.