Faith Festivals… Chanukah

Chanukah ...
by Angela Banner, Jewish representative of Redbridge Faith Forum
This year, Chanukah starts 25 December and ends 2nd January 2025.
This festival notes the reclaiming of the Jewish Temple by a group of freedom fighters called the Macabees.
When they entered the Temple to light the everlasting light (a feature in many places of worship) there were only one, still sealed, container of oil. This were lit & the miracle were that it lasted for eight days by which time more oil had been pressed ready for Temple use.
We remember & celebrate Chanukah therefore over eight days. We eat food cooked in oil.
There are family gatherings & also many outdoor lightings of the special candlestick with eight branches plus one from which the others are lit.
It is a happy time & many local people from different faiths join us to celebrate.

Angela has been a Jewish representative on our Board of Trustees since 2014 and is a long term resident of Redbridge. Angela is very involved in community life including Redbridge Pensioners Forum and Ilford Historical Society. Angela is particularly interested in in furthering the rights of older people to ensure they enjoy later life.