AGM & Appointment of the Trustees followed by a Special Event – “Celebrating 20 years of RFF”

Redbridge Faith Forum   Annual General Meeting & Appointment of the Trustees followed by a Special Event – “Celebrating 20 years of RFF” Date:         Tuesday 18th June  2024 Venue:      VHP Ilford Hindu Centre, 55 Albert Road, Ilford IG1 1HJ “Celebrating 20 years of RFF” The evening began with our AGM and the Appointment of the Trustees for…

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Faith Festivals… Pesach

What Pesach means to me… by Angela Banner, Jewish representative of Redbridge Faith Forum     This is the festival of Passover. This remembers the exodus of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. We eat unleavened bread (Matzo) as the Israelites didn’t have time to bake bread because of their speedy departure from Egypt. …

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RFF ANNUAL WALK OF PEACE  Sunday 19th May 2024 – 12.50pm (for a 1pm start) to 4.30pm Each year Redbridge Faith Forum arranges an Interfaith Walk of Peace through Ilford. Our annual Multi-faith Walk of Peace is a gentle stroll through central Ilford that brings together people from many diverse faith communities in Redbridge in a…

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Faith Festivals… Chanukah

Chanukah … by Angela Banner, Jewish representative of Redbridge Faith Forum This year, Chanukah started  7 December and ends Friday 15 December. This festival notes the reclaiming of the Jewish Temple by a group of freedom fighters called the Macabees. When they entered the Temple to light the everlasting light (a feature in many places…

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Faith Festivals… Easter

What Easter means to me… by Phil Butcher, Trustee of Redbridge Faith forum As a Christian, Easter is the most important Feast in our calendar. Within Roman Catholicism, in common with many other Christian traditions, the Easter season starts with Lent, forty day period of prayer, almsgiving and abstinence. At the start we receive ‘ashes’…

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