31 January 2017 – Network Meeting 12-1.30pm

The network meeting held 31.1.2017  in the Gloucester Room of the Central Library in Ilford was very well attended by around 85 people.  The meeting featured speakers from SHP Outreach Team, The Welcome Centre, Salvation Army Night Shelter, Ramfel, Housing Justice and the Sunday Drop In Service. Click here to read the full report and…

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1.30-3.30pm at The Karamsar Centre (Old Court House), Buckingham Road Ilford IG1 1T  A very enjoyable and informative Women’s Interfaith Workshop was held on 15th November 2016 as part of Inter-faith Week.  The theme of the workshop was Prayer and in particular “Praying – How? Why? When? To Whom?” Representatives from the Sikh Community and…

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MULTI-FAITH WALK OF PEACE Sunday 23 October 2016

  “Acting Together for One World In Peace” This was the theme of Redbridge Faith Forum’s Multi-faith Walk which took place on Sunday 23rd October in Central Ilford to mark the start of One World Week.  Overall around 100 people participated, including Redbridge Mayor Councillor Gurdial Bhamra, Councillors, Faith-leaders and representatives from all the major…

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Dinner marking United Nations World Peace Day

Wednesday 21st September was the 2016 United Nations World Peace Day and was celebrated by Redbridge Faith Forum organising a very enjoyable social event for people of all faiths and none to come together to share a delicious three course vegetarian meal. Redbridge Faith Forum would like to thank the management committee and members of…

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Our AGM was held on 12th July 2016 at Ilford Methodist Church and was followed by a Public Forum “In Faith In Health” in partnership with Terence Higgins Trust. Both meetings were very well attended and the audience enjoyed the opportunity of inter-faith dialogue and were very moved and informed by the presentation of Vernal…

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