Women’s Interfaith Workshop 28.2.18

We were glad to give a warm welcome to the women who made it through the snow and the bitterly cold wind to join us in St Andrews Church Hall on Wednesday 28th February for our workshop taking  continuing our theme of “Weddings: – Ceremony, Custom & Tradition” Having heard about Baha’i, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish…

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Community Safety Workshop 30th January 2018

This public meeting was organised by Redbridge Faith Forum (RFF) at Holy Trinity Church, Mossford Green, Barkingside to give local residents the opportunity to share views on what makes them feel safe or unsafe, discuss ideas on how to make them feel safer, and work with local services to identify and tackle issues of concern.…

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“Routes Out of Poverty” – Network Meeting 23.1.18

Redbridge Faith Forum held its January network meeting in the Gloucester Room at Central Library on the topic of “Routes out of Poverty”; to give members of the public the opportunity to hear about some of the support services available in Redbridge. We would like to thank the following speakers who gave very informative presentations.…

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February & March Events

Wednesday 28 February 13:00-15:00  All women are warmly invited to attend this Women’s Interfaith Workshop continuing the theme of Weddings: – Ceremony, Custom & Tradition – this workshop will focus on Christian and Muslim weddings and will be held at St Andrews Church Hall, The Drive, Ilford IG1 3PE. Thursday morning 8th March 10.00-12 noon Join us…

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Celebrating National Interfaith Week 2017

Redbridge Faith Forum celebrated National Interfaith Week with  a social evening including sharing a two course vegetarian buffet meal at the Ilford Islamic Centre on Tuesday evening 14th November. The evening proved to be very enjoyable with delicious food attractively presented by Capital Banquets (www.capitalbanquets.com) and wonderful entertainment from the East African Ashaad Group plus…

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