Working Definition of Islamophobia – 17.9.2018

The APPG on British Muslims is currently conducting an inquiry into a working definition of Islamophobia.   So far, the APPG has received wide-ranging written evidence for this inquiry. Evidence received has been from political representatives, civil society organisations, statutory bodies, Muslim organisations and by others that took part in the open written evidence process.…

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Tackling Knife & Violent Crime – Second Event 22.9.18

The Metropolitan Police have arranged a further seminar following the successful event held last week on Tackling Knife and Violent Crime All are welcome to attend the event featuring keynote speakers on Knife and Violent Crime, Grooming and Child Exploitation being brought to you by the Metropolitan Police, their Partners and the Multi Faith Communities.…

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There is free training in mental health issues and mental well-being available for members of faith and community groups on Tuesday 18th September from 10am to 12 noon.  The venue is Hall 1, The Centre Community Hall, 32 Merchant Street, Bow, E3 4LX Please email Kate Griffiths – to register or if you have…

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Please join us and the Mayor and Mayoress of Redbridge to walk together through Ilford to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights & mark International Peace Day. We will be made welcome at the following faith venues and will hear about and discuss ways to promote peace and respect. Please…

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This was the topic of our July RFF Network Meeting where we first heard from Dr Arnold Fertig about the ongoing consultation for the public to comment on CCG proposals to make more urgent appointments bookable in advance by calling NHS 111, as well as the below two options: Option 1: Patients can walk in…

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