April Network Meeting Tuesday 27th April 2021 ‘We say NO to Domestic Violence and Abuse!’


Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone and it takes many different forms. If you are a victim you should not feel afraid or ashamed to ask for help. If you know someone who you think may be experiencing problems or is in an abusive or violent relationship, it could be someone in your family, friendship circle, a neighbour or a faith community member, you can help them get the support and advice they need.

In this Network Meeting  attendees learnt, from a Domestic Abuse Professional Counsellor, about :-

  • the different forms of domestic abuse
  • the warning signs that someone may be experiencing domestic abuse
  • how you can support a victim of domestic abuse
  • what services are available and how they can be accessed
  • how Reach Out operates and how victims can find places of safety
  • the link between Reach Out and Refuges

 RFF Trustees also offered a faith perspective on this topic. 

Click here to view Presentation

Click here to read the full report