RFF visits the Palace of Westminster 30.3.17
A group of Redbridge Faith Forum supporters spent a most enjoyable and informative evening on 30th March being shown around the Palace of Westminster by Ilford North MP, Wes Streeting. RFF Chair, Jacquie Grieve signed the Book of Condolence (22nd March incident) in Westminster Hall on behalf of Redbridge Faith Forum. Wes was an excellent tour guide patiently answering our questions and giving us a real flavour of what it is like to work in such an iconic and historic building. Redbridge Faith Forum would like to thank Wes and his office manager Matt for giving up their time to share their knowledge with us and hosting what proved to be a wonderful interfaith event. One interesting item viewed was the actual “petition bag” in the House of Commons in which Wes shortly plans to put the petition from local residents regarding the proposed closure of King George Hospital Accident & Emergency Department.